I have some difficulty at speaking in front of
people. Since I was young once I had a chance to speak in front of many people, my pulse was getting faster and some times my face turned red. I was very nervous even when I was taking a simple vocaubulary test or indroducing myself. So whenever I had a presenation in class, my classmates used to say "Yeseon!! Don't be scared!! You can do it!!" Still, I have the problem with it. Whenever I have a chance to present in front of many people, I am very nervous.
But! I think I have to overcome this fear because my dream is being a teacher. Teachers have to speak well in front of the students. If a teacher always nervous, students will not be comfortable.And in Korea, giving a trial performance is one of the subjuects of teacher's exam. So to pass the exam and to become a good teacher, I have to get over it.
I know I have to overcome the fear but it is very difficult. Many people around me say experience will help me to remove my fear. And my brother also say it will be very helpful to take a class which has a presentation.
I have some classes which have presentation. I feel afraid of it but I hope all of the fears about presentation will go away by the time when I go back to Korea.

I read wendy's &Lien's blog